Jackson Hole Occupancy Through July

Latest DestiMetrics Retail Report Looks Through July courtesy of The Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce. The latest lodging barometer:

The Retail Report is a 60-Day Advance View. It represents occupancy on the books from June 1 through July 31.


About DestiMetrics: The premier provider of lodging performance benchmarking tools to mountain resorts throughout the western United States, DestiMetrics is a sophisticated lodging barometer that provides numbers specific to Jackson Hole. The Chamber would like to recognize community partners, including the participating lodging properties, who have helped to make this tool available: Jackson Hole Central Reservations, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, and JH AIR. Special recognition goes to funding provided by the lodging tax via the Jackson Hole Travel & Tourism Joint Powers Board (4JH).


About the Retail Reports: The DestiMetrics Retail Report identifies occupancy strengths and opportunities, which enables lodging properties and destination marketers to more efficiently manage rates and target promotions. It can also help retail businesses plan for staffing, real estate offices plan for desk duty, nonprofit organizations plan for events, and more!


For more information, please visit www.jacksonholechamber.com/business-membership/tourism-forecast.